
The Mech project welcomes, and depends, on contributions from developers and users in the open source community. Contributions can be made in a number of ways, a few examples are:

  • Code patches via pull requests
  • Documentation improvements
  • Bug reports and patch reviews

Everyone interacting in the Mech project’s development, be it codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the Code of Conduct.

Reporting an Issue

Please include as much detail as you can in the GitHub Issue. Let us know your platform and Mech version. If you get an error please include the full error and traceback when available.

Submitting Pull Requests

Once you are happy with your changes or you are ready for some feedback, push it to your fork and send a pull request. For a change to be accepted it will most likely need to have tests and documentation if it is a new feature.

Hack the source code

If you feel adventurous, you can hack the source code of Mech. You can find information about how to build from the sources here.